Why I built my own Vue plugin for Eleventy

In Eleventy + Vue 3 I explained how to use the @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue and Vue Single-File Components (SFCs) for Eleventy layouts. I then went on and built my own Vue plugin for Eleventy. But why? one might ask.

First, the most obvious reason: The official @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue is kinda unmaintained. Which is not that bad, since all the actual templating magic is handled by Vue and its template compiler. But there are a few quirks and workarounds needed, especially in combination with <script setup>.

Second, Zach Leatherman “soft-announced” the likely deprecation and archiving of the official @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue:

Accordingly, the rollup-plugin-vue repo is now archived and not maintained and folks are recommended to use Vite instead of the rollup plugin for Vue compilation.

Unfortunately, due to Vue’s upstream moves here, we’ll likely end up archiving eleventy-plugin-vue too.

Adding Components to Eleventy with WebC by Zach Leatherman

And third: Most importantly, side projects and open source are fun (they should be) and I wanted to play around with Vue Server-Side Rendering (SSR).

About the plugin

@mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue is intended as an alternative for the official Vue plugin. It’s mostly a drop-in replacement but has some API differences. The plugin adds support for Vue SFCs as Eleventy layouts and includes a bunch of convenience methods.

Note: The plugin is currently in alpha. It works well with standard Eleventy setups but may not cover every edge case or more involved setups.


npm install --save-dev @mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue

Eleventy configuration

const { pluginVue } = require("@mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {

Doctype transform

Vue SFCs can’t have <!doctype html> at the beginning of the template, so an Eleventy transform is included automatically which adds the doctype to all HTML files.

<script setup> and Composition API

The plugin exports Vue Composition API methods for accessing the current page’s data and JavaScript shortodes in <script setup>.

<script setup>
	import { useData, useMethods } from '@mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue'

	// Data supplied by Eleventy and the data cascade
	const { page, title, content, ... } = useData()

	// JavaScript shortcodes defined in Eleventy configuration
	const { image, ... } = useMethods()

	<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
	<div v-html="content" />

Inside the code

@mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue is inspired by the official plugin but has some key differences in how it works internally.

The official plugin pre-compiles Vue SFCs and caches them on disk. This is generally a good idea to speed up builds but requires a watcher to re-compile on source file change. For certain use cases this also needs additional configuration. @mvsde/eleventy-plugin-vue compiles Vue SFCs on-demand every time a page changes.

Interestingly, the build time doesn’t change all that much. This might be due to this plugin having no filesystem read/write operations and the compiled Vue templates are stored in-memory only.

That’s also a huge opportunity for performance improvements in a future version. Instead of re-compiling the Vue SFCs on every page change, they could be cached in-memory and only be re-compiled when source files change. This needs some exploration into possible solutions, though. Maybe something with Rollup hashes?
