Eleventy + Vue 3

Eleventy supports numerous template languages out of the box. Unfortunately, a lot of these languages lack a key feature: good tooling aka developer experience (DX). Visual Studio Code integration is spotty, and linters or formatters are rare. Enter eleventy-plugin-vue – fully static pre-rendered Vue templates for Eleventy. And with Vue we can use all sorts of nice tools: Vetur or Volar for VSCode, ESLint, and Prettier.

A quick warning before we continue: The Vue 3 integration for Eleventy is in early alpha. It works really well, but some things are a bit rough and need workarounds. This blog post documents and explains these workarounds.

Head over to the official plugin documentation for installation instructions. A few more tricks can also be found on the Netlify blog. The following tips are collected in the demo repository mvsde/eleventy-vue.

Vue SFC as base template

Vue SFCs don’t have a doctype by default, they are supposed to be rendered as part of an already existing HTML document. To use an SFC as our base template for Eleventy, we need to add a transform.


	<html lang="en">
			<meta charset="utf-8" />
			<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
			<title>{{ title }}</title>
			<main v-html="content" />


const DOCTYPE = "<!DOCTYPE html>";

module.exports = function (content, outputPath) {
	const isHTMLFile = outputPath.endsWith(".html");
	const hasDoctype = content

	if (isHTMLFile && !hasDoctype) {
		return `${DOCTYPE}${content}`;

	return content;


const transformDoctype = require("./transform-doctype.js");

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
	eleventyConfig.addTransform("doctype", transformDoctype);

<script setup>

Vue 3 SFCs support a really handy “boilerplate shortcut”: <script setup>. It allows skipping the whole exporting and lets you directly declare data and methods. To make Eleventy’s data and methods available, we need a workaround leveraging Vue’s Composition API.


import { getCurrentInstance } from "vue";

/** Returns global methods including universal filters and shortcodes. */
export function useMethods() {
	const app = getCurrentInstance();
	return app.appContext.mixins[0].methods;

/** Returns global data and page data. */
export function useData() {
	const app = getCurrentInstance();
	return app.appContext.mixins[1].data();


<script setup>
	import { useMethods, useData } from "./use-global.js";

	const { getVueComponentCssForPage } = useMethods();
	const { title, description, page, content } = useData();

	const css = getVueComponentCssForPage(page.url);

	<!-- CSS from Vue SFCs. -->
	{{ css }}

	<!-- Eleventy page data object. -->
	{{ page }}

	<!-- Page content, usually the rendered Markdown. -->
	{{ content }}

	<!-- Other metadata declared in Markdown frontmatter. -->
	{{ title }} {{ description }} …
