The story behind my name
I rebuilt my website from scratch with WebC
Farewell Star Trek: Discovery
Bookmarklets for accessibility audits
Owning your pronouns page
Anxiety management
Is it safe to run around like this?
Self-hosted fonts in Slidev
The Sanctuary
CSS Custom Property toggles for themes
Why I built my own Vue plugin for Eleventy
Bye-bye “man”, say hello to “eins”
petite-vue revisited
My German pronouns
Eleventy + Vue 3
Performance of modern image formats
Dropping the “he”
Coming out is hard, actually
Down the rabbit hole
The missing neutral pronoun in German
DIE ZEIT und werbefinanzierter Journalismus
Straight until proven fabulous
Inclusivity in video games
The German language and gender
W3C and WHATWG – Who’s the authority on HTML?